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You forgot that anyone using it must click a button that says that he will not use it for evil purposes. You also must acknowledge that the AI will not track you. These must be separated disclaimers that need to be validated on every prompt. API usage is thus not allowed.

The AI should also make it 100% clear that whatever gets produced is clearly identifiable as coming form an AI. As a consequence; text cannot be produced because it would be trivial to remove the disclaimer. A currently proposed bill indicates that the AI should only be able to produce images in an obscure format with a randomised watermark that covers at least 65% of the pixels of the image. The bill is scheduled for ratification in 2028 and must be signed by 100% of the state members.

Until then, the grant for the development of this world changing AI is on accelerated path ! Teams can fill a 65 pages document to have a shot at getting a whole $1 million.

Accenture and Capgemini are working on it.

Heh. Also important: anyone can object to the presence of information that mentions them or they created being known to the AI at any time, and if they object within writing you have 3 days to re-train the AI to remove whatever they objected to. If you fail to meet this deadline then you have to pay 10% of your global revenue to the EU Commission and there is no court case or appeal you can file, you just have to pay.

Unless of course you have a legitimate reason for that data to be in the AI, or to reject the privacy request. What is and is not legitimate isn't specified anywhere because it's obvious. If you ask for clarification because you think it's not obvious, you won't be given any because we don't do things that way around here. If you interpret this clause in a way that we later decide makes us look bad, then the definition of "need" and "legitimate" will change at that moment to make us look good.

BTW inability to retrain within three days is not a legitimate reason. Nor is the need to be competitive with US firms. Now here is your 300,000 EUR grant, have fun!

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