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Webapp beating native is a stretch.

It’s getting there. Look up react-native-web, tamagui, and solito. Almost all the code is shared between web, iOS, and Android and the web experience feels like a native app[0].

0. https://tamagui.dev

Is there a specific use case you have in mind that would be infeasible to do as a web app? I'd even be interested in arguments about poor UX, because a lot of this has been resolved recently.

Top of my mind. Discovery, apart from devs (even that is a stretch), when I say app people quickly open play store/app store. When I say you just gotta click add to the home screen. They're like, you don't have an app? Isn't that just a failure of UX? I once tried to convince a founder so hard to go with webapp, I gave every advantage I could think of, then in our survey not one of our users was comfortable, they all weirded out. But hey web app works if it's forced like in a enterprise or MDM setting, but people would rather open app stores. Despite the flak, consumers trust app stores at some level than a random website, even if its more secure since it can't access a lot of APIs, but they don't know that. Every framework ionic, flutter etc I've tried since Cordova has had some weird feel to it. I can quickly recognize a webapp packaged as native in the first two mins, most of the users I worked with just think it's slow or janky since they Don't understand it's a webapp vs native.

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