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this comment will be buried, but anyway.

this guy is a impostor. and you are all discussing some crazy charlatan's ideas, and it's too f* funny from the outside.

undeniable proof: a yanomami learned Portuguese and wrote a (extremely beautiful) book to introduce his culture. the book is written with yanomami "language" (well, mannerism and figures of speeches) but Portuguese grammar and syntaxe, comprehensible but too neologism at some points, requiring too much creativity to understand. but a native Portuguese speaker translator/editor did ease the work.

anyway, the first hand author https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davi_Kopenawa_Yanomami don't even mention that impostor, but gives us a complete different picture were you can clearly see everything this fake-anthologist wrote is false.

yanomami rite of adulthood involves walking and meeting nearby "cities" were they often intermarry. so theses sex wars sounds like a lunacy. also the fact they haven't interbreed to extinction is another good proof.

anyway, this guy sucks and published lies for self promoting and financial gain. sorry if his lies were validating some hypothesis you hold (held hopefully) dear.

You may well be right but this comment isn't written in a way that gives your argument a fair hearing. It's too much in the flamewar style and breaks a whole bunch of the site guidelines: https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html - including this one: "Please don't sneer, including at the rest of the community." The latter is reliably a marker of bad comments and worse threads.

If you know more than the rest of us do, that's great—but then please share some of what you know, so we can learn (https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&sor...) - and please drop the putdowns. It's not what this site is for, and destroys what it is for.


It would have been much better to take out the flamebait and name-calling bits, and instead add more detailed information—enough to let people make up their own minds, or at least get a good amount of understanding of the other side.

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