To the fellow ADHDers out there: the Pomodoro timer is not what you think it is!
Until I got diagnosed, I thought Pomodoro to be "keep focused for 30 minutes, do not context-switch, do not get distracted" timer.
After I got diagnosed (thankfully a mild case) and started taking medications, the use of Pomodoro switched to "don't sit more than half an hour focused on one task without standing up, streching and getting some tea" mode.
You can use this phase switch to your advantage, to measure the degree of ADHDness and efficacy of medication.
Until I got diagnosed, I thought Pomodoro to be "keep focused for 30 minutes, do not context-switch, do not get distracted" timer.
After I got diagnosed (thankfully a mild case) and started taking medications, the use of Pomodoro switched to "don't sit more than half an hour focused on one task without standing up, streching and getting some tea" mode.
You can use this phase switch to your advantage, to measure the degree of ADHDness and efficacy of medication.