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The odds of this remain effectively nil. The numbers are readily available.

Cars, ODs, and suicide are much bigger concerns for those with kids. Or should be. Any one of those dwarfs the risk of death or injury in a school shooting, which is so far down the list that it's in the company of a ton of things that nobody ever gives a thought.

Separately, school shootings are a national disgrace and shouldn't happen, certainly not at anything like the rate they do, but they're not actually a risk worth worrying about on an individual level.

> Cars, ODs, and suicide are much bigger concerns for those with kids.

Well swimming pool, but thats are either accidents or personal tragedies. It always happened, it will always happens.

> Separately, school shootings are a national disgrace and shouldn't happen

school shooting or school Rampage is a world problem. Another countries with less guns, but still a world problem.

> but they're not actually a risk worth worrying about on an individual level.

Statistics are good for argumentation (50 million kids in the schools, just 2000 injured in shootings), but if you have kids in the elementary school, or school in general, you will worry on an individual level. Actually the pools supports that https://www.cbsnews.com/news/gun-violence-schools-parents-ch...

So your point is that... people worrying about something that's not actually a notable risk, is the problem? You responded to "at least my kids have access to modern medical care" with "but school shootings" and I pointed out that they're not actually a significant danger for kids, and you've come back with "but people are worrying regardless", so I'm rather lost.

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