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The difference between this and crypto is that users are already gaining tangible value and benefit from these AI products.

And what value would that be? Other than using ChatGPT to write silly love letters? (Or generate spam).

I'm rusty with specific languages and skillsets I rarely use (e.g. I don't use CSS every day, and forget Python JSON/XML/IO interfaces).

If I need to do something that requires those skills, it used to take me an hour to get up to remember how to do everything, and another hour to do the work. With ChatGPT it took ~15min as it handled all the boilerplate/basic stuff I was previously grabbing from documentation. It's not hard or impossible to do without it, but it did save me significant time.

If you're an efficient engineer with photographic memory, it will not significantly improve your workflow. If you're an average generalist programmer who uses Stackoverflow more than once a day, GPT models will save you time.

It's a hallmark of these scam technologies that people point to how their "already being used". Nobody talks that way about stuff that's actually being used. You see people talking about the use itself. Go back a few years and there were lists everywhere of what blockchain was "already being used" for.

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