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Everyone must do an ID check when signing up to social media. If you are not an adult yet then your account will be locked until you become 18. This would also eliminate all the bots and fake people or double/triple anonymous accounts which are trying to game the algorithm to push for certain toxic agendas. Nobody should be anonymous on social media. Social media is to connect with humans, not with trolls or bots, so being anonymous is an oxymoron to being social in the sense of social media. Whistleblowers, which often get mentioned, don't need to be anonymous on social media. We have journalists and whistleblowers can already anonymously reach out to journalists and leak information so that journalists can publicise it under the protections of their profession.

  > Everyone must do an ID check when signing up to social media. If you are not an adult yet then your account will be locked until you become 18.
what is the definition of social media? does that include messaging apps?

  > This would also eliminate all the bots and fake people or double/triple anonymous accounts which are trying to game the algorithm to push for certain toxic agendas.
any places (countries) where this was instituted and worked out as you describe?

  > Whistleblowers, which often get mentioned, don't need to be anonymous on social media. 
they dont?

  > We have journalists and whistleblowers can already anonymously reach out to journalists and leak information so that journalists can publicise it under the protections of their profession.
and what if you don't have access to a journalist....?

  > what is the definition of social media? does that include messaging apps?
Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter & Co

It's not messaging apps, or HN or a pet forum. Yes some of the other apps/sites have similarities, but those similarities are not greater than the similarities between the Nike or Victoria Secret online shopping page for Brazilian bikinis and an adult site. If we can distinguish the latter than it's also possible for us to find an easy way to distinguish the former.

  > any places (countries) where this was instituted and worked out as you describe?
Any places (countries) where this was instituted and it didn't work out as I described?

  > they don't?
No, they don't. Whistleblowing has nothing to do with social media. You can already anonymously contact a journalist and leak information in a secure way, in fact using social media for whistleblowing would already be the dumbest way of doing it amongst all other ways of how someone could do it.

  > and what if you don't have access to a journalist....?
If you don't have access to a telephone or the internet and email then I guess you board the next ship which will fly to Earth and visit an internet cafe.

that's my problem with social media bans for children. how the fuck do we do it?

"just id check" -- hey, what if i don't want my social media tied to my personal account for any reason? let's say i'm an atheist and my family is quite religious? or what if i'm gay and i don't want to show it to the world while expressing myself through social media?

> "just id check" -- hey, what if i don't want my social media tied to my personal account

Your ID (driving license or whatever) is not your personal account.

> let's say i'm an atheist and my family is quite religious

Ok, so what? LOL people have different beliefs, only because you are an atheist you don't have to troll your family members on social media. You wouldn't do that in real life with your family so why do you feel the need on social media? I don't understand the issue which you're trying to raise here. Just be an atheist, so what. Social media is not subdivided into religious cults so you can mingle happily amongst other people from other beliefs, no issue there!

> or what if i'm gay and i don't want to show it to the world while expressing myself through social media

Then don't? Again, I don't get the issue here. If you don't want to express your gayness publicly then just don't do it. It's your choice. Nobody forces you to upload your dirty videos with your partner to social media.

Social media is a platform for real people to connect, not for anonymous trolls to shout some bullshit into the void. If you don't like that then perhaps social media as it was originally intended is not a platform for you. It seems you want it to be something that it isn't. We have 4chan, Reddit and other things where you can probably much better exhibit these desires.

Well, at least this does the work of doxxing people we don't like for us.

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