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It depresses me that SaaS is called “software” in the same way that software you can run is software.

Plugging together APIs to services isn’t the same thing as creating software people can actually run.

Pragmatically your service Rube Goldberg machine breaks as soon as anything it’s made of makes a breaking change or goes down.

Then there’s the fact that anything built this way has zero privacy, a massive security surface area that you can’t even know let alone control, and eternal rent that must be paid for every piece that can be raised at any time.

What a dystopia we created. I say we because we all did it. We had to make software “free” and killed commercial software business models, but the only thing we accomplished was to push it all to the cloud and to a model that is substantially more closed than closed source commercial ever was.

Lesson: you get what you incentivize. Always, always, always ask “what is being incentivized here?”

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