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Someone Added ChatGPT to a Furby (twitter.com/jessicard)
69 points by KomoD on April 3, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

My little sister was so afraid of her Furby that at one point she threw it off our roof to try to kill it. That didn’t work so she ended up putting it in the freezer.

This will not make her feel better.

I have a cousin who insists, to this day, that in the middle of the night their furby, totally unprompted, said "I see youuu"

It met its end the next day.

I could watch a movie about this

tech stack from a follow-up tweet (https://twitter.com/jessicard/status/1642867214943412224):

py speech recognition lib for audio, then @OpenAI’s whisper library for speech->text, then chatgpt, text->speech w/ @narakeet for voice ai, then play it through speaker with pydub playback

Soooo just a few more years until M3GAN?

This is kinda hilarious and I still have my Furby's... would be lieing if I have not kinda wanted to repurpose them somehow and this would be a fun way to freak out some friends.

I want one that runs on solar power and uses a lower latency local large language model (LLLLLM?) and has robot tentacles for rudimentary locomotion, grasping, and actuation.

I hooked up chatGPT (really davinci) to a python script that did speech to text with the Google API, it was really easy, I gave it some memory of the previous prompts and answers… then had a straight up conversation with my laptop.

I want to do this for my Garfield Phone now.

Simpsons did ti!


1999 - Funzo in Episode 9, Season 11 - "Grift of the Magi"


Things really are stagnating if reality's ripping off season 11.


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