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> Unfortunately this is also the source of all their monopolistic behavior.

How can you be showing “monopolistic behavior” when you’re neither the only player in the game, nor the biggest?

If you want until they're the only player you're way way too late and huge damage has already been done.

That both doesn’t answer my question nor is it actually true.

In fact, splits almost always happen when it’s actually a monopoly not some vague hand-wavy goal-shifting “monopolistic behaviors”.

Splits in general rarely if ever happen at all, let alone when they should.

Our antitrust over the last few years is crazy lacking.

Wouldn't you want the burst of innovation and competition before the five to ten years of status quo monopoly if you wait to act?

Cute strawman.

That would also extend to practically every company out there unless we can somehow accurately predict the future.

Apple's phone amrket share is 20%, one point above Samsung. They're no way near a monopoly

Apple's US phone market share is 50% and definitely way higher in the high end phone market share.

monopolistic behavior doesn't require a monopoly

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