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Huh, I was proficient in Rust before "properly" learning C++, so maybe that accounts for it, but I didn't realize C++11 was controversial. Is it just move semantics, or are there some library things that are hard to implement?

I think what OP is saying is that decades-old systems wouldn't have C++11-compatible compilers on them.

And maybe that "C++" is now basically a bunch of different incompatible languages instead of just 1 language, depending on what "xx" is (11, 14, 17, 20, 23, etc).

It's like Python 2 vs Python 3 except even worse.

In my experience, C++03 code works just fine without changes on a C++11 and C++14 compilers, so no, it's not at all like Python 2/3. The few features that were ripped out were exactly the stuff that pretty much no-one was using for good reasons (e.g. throw-specifications).

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