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what a compliment!

I obviously cannot analyze my own style because that is my style and how I write so reflection from other people are so fascinating.

And thank you for commenting on this specific essay. I’ve just read it again and unfortunately it still holds, almost 2 years since it was published.

But I think I am starting to develop my own tools to work against general tendencies at least in my personal life. I will think more about it!

and curious what you currently think on this topic too. Specifically about solutions. At any level. Individual or societal.

I liked the first half more than the second half. I think you establish the problem very effectively, but in the second half your own indignation shines brighter than inquisition.

I've yet to see an answer that satisfies me here. Many times, inquisition is indeed used as a plausibly deniable mask for ideology. Similarly, I don't think you or I will ever reasonably be free of our own personal ideologies.

If I had a good answer, the post wouldn't be interesting to me. I could rattle off one of the common answers (technocracy, degrowth, investment in education, something something social media bad) but those seem tired and wrong to me. This kind of topic is one where it's easy to find the obvious target (this person, this system, this policy, this organisation) and start shunting blame, but that's ironically falling afoul of the problem itself circularly.

There's no solution I stand behind with enough confidence to state it on a public forum like this.

For now, I'll just have to keep asking questions.

beautiful:) your answer is an essay in itself.

I think I found a temporary shortcut/patch for myself that I can apply on the personal level.

If I see something outrageous online I bring it and discuss in person with few people and we have more nuanced conversation and I see that questions are asked and it’s not as crazy as online.

And it calms be down and relaxes and gives me hope back. Because old dynamics - of asking questions and having nuanced conversations - they still work.

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