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Everyone tends to give this advice of owning your own work through a central location and syndicating everywhere else. In other words, building your own platform.

But generally speaking, sometimes you have to leverage platforms that have the current attention of the world as that is where you will drive engagement to your platform. It is fairly rare to just win organic search traffic especially starting out so you have to "hijack" some attention here and there where applicable.

If you follow any notable person online who writes, creates content, etc, they are not afraid of going where everyone else is going whether that means they may have to be exclusive with their creations for awhile or whether that platform allows them to retain the rights to their creations.

At the end of the day, it all helps them build an audience that they can take anywhere and there's many possibilities depending on what you'd like to do with that platform.

Substack is that popular thing right now because it combines both the content and email list ownership that you can then take anywhere were it to go under tomorrow. It is a very accessible way to "own your work" today, especially for those who don't want to bother setting up a wordpress blog or similar.

I think POSSE [0] solves this.

[0] https://indieweb.org/POSSE

You have to tailor content for each platform archetype. That’s the only thing missing in this wiki.

You don't have to. You can do it, if you care about that sorts of things. But you definitely don't have to do it.

The only thing you have to do if you want to run a blog is to write. Everything else is defintiely not mandatory.

Nobody is going to read your syndicated blog link unless you tailor your content to the platform. There is a different way to present it to say LinkedIn, TikTok, HackerNews, IndieHackers, etc. People hate syndicated accounts, they bring very little value unless you’re already well established with popular ideas.

ChatGPT is a great litmus test here. Ask it to syndicate the main ideas of your content to a respective platform.

I’m not sure what you mean by “syndicated blog link” but my experience—and I’m aware it’s just a single data point—is that you don’t have to tailor your content.

You can do it, I’m not arguing against it.

And maybe that would result in more readers. I’m just saying it’s not mandatory and there are alternatives.

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