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ARM purchase of arm2risv.com leaks pivot to RISC-V (arm.com)
7 points by indolering on April 1, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Seems HN followed the redirect before attaching the URL to the post, as the post just leads direct to arm.com.


Looks legit.

Bruce, you and indolering know this domain was turned over to ARM months ago after a trademark dispute.



Nope, I didn't know anything about the WIPO case. Thanks for that information.

As for the other link, sure it is date related.

Don't ruin a good April fools joke! Please delete this post and I promise I'll update it tomorrow.

I believe HN checks for the canonical URL, and if it's different to the one submitted, the canonical URL is used.

It redirects to arm.com and they share a registrar [1, 2].

[1]: https://who.is/whois/arm2riscv.com

[2]: https://who.is/whois/arm.com

April fools everyone! Seems like ARM got the domain from a trademark dispute. Redirecting it to their own website is a pretty funny self-own .

Maybe they just don't want somebody else to have that domain?

I just don't trust ARM management to be smart enough to pivot to RISC-V.

They certainly seem to have purchased it from somebody [1], which appears to have been registered shortly after a Github project of the same name went live [2].

Maybe it's a catch-and-kill?

[1]: https://dnshistory.org/historical-dns-records/ns/arm2riscv.c...

[2]: https://github.com/schorrm/arm2riscv

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