And of course there is zero chance GM's software will be even 1/10 as easy to use as Apple's because no car manufacturer (except maybe Tesla) understands UI software or even acknowledges that it's important.
I already pay "subscriptions" for my car in the form of loan payments, insurance, and maintenance. I'm damn well not going to pay Mary Barra a monthly fee to use her crappy music service or enable my seat heaters to work.
i see it going two ways:
1. they do skeumorphic design in a way where comes out as a giant touchscreen with a bunch of static buttons like you see with physical interfaces on a car
2. very deep menus. e.g., a dozen taps to switch from radio to bluetooth
in either case, it'll have a 15hz frame rate and 800ms of lag between input and response. i expect nothing better.
meanwhile, if we had a full-on apple car, it would probably have a 120hz truemotion display, well-calibrated spatial audio, and a fully-utilized M2 Max chip
i was bearish on the idea of an apple car years ago, but now with tesla withering, i'm practically begging for it
I already pay "subscriptions" for my car in the form of loan payments, insurance, and maintenance. I'm damn well not going to pay Mary Barra a monthly fee to use her crappy music service or enable my seat heaters to work.