One of the big problems with web consulting and clients that don't pay is that unlike other business situations, these clients often lack physical assets and storefronts that can be used to collect on a judgement from a court. Traditionally, if you had a small claims judgement and it's not paid, you could have the Sheriff or the like serve notice or even put a lien on assets.
When a client's business is entirely virtual, there's a risk they'll simply change their mailing address or otherwise dodge a judgement, and it can be very difficult to enforce the claim (or at least not economic to do so.) I've seen this happen a number of times in recent years in situations where the amount ranged from $1500 to $10,000.
When a client's business is entirely virtual, there's a risk they'll simply change their mailing address or otherwise dodge a judgement, and it can be very difficult to enforce the claim (or at least not economic to do so.) I've seen this happen a number of times in recent years in situations where the amount ranged from $1500 to $10,000.