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[flagged] Show HN: GPT Calculator – Calculate the token count and cost of your GPT Prompt (gptcalculator.xyz)
63 points by bilater on March 29, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 30 comments

yup - I use tiktoken under the hood. :)

If this is for ChatGPT/OpenAI GPT models, why not just use the official tokenizer? https://platform.openai.com/tokenizer

Because it's really an ad.

Flagged submission for being a low-effort ad (it doesn't even work).

had hit a rate limit - is back to working now.

Nice way to capture prompts to see what others are working on.

lol - dont care.

What do you mean?

OP is just promoting his chat bot; doesn't care about user privacy

I’d interpret this as OP not caring about this cynical accusation.

Well they could state that they aren't storing submissions if that was the case. But they didn't.

or perhaps OP thinks so little of this take they didn't bother to reply to the point

The major costs come from continuing a conversation in a chat. You pay for the entire existing conversation, because that becomes the prompt for the next question. This tool doesn't reflect that.

Not all use of GPT models is conversational. In fact, I’d put money on most uses where you’re paying per token (read: not ChatGPT) aren’t conversational.

What's the difference between this and OpenAI's tool?


The AI MLM has arrived.

Apologies to anyone hit with Loading. The rate limit was reached a lot quicker than I expected and it brought down everything while I slept. Back to working now.

Can't load the site, there's a TLS connection error. Firefox says PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR. cURL and wget also give errors.

maybe you hit the rate limit...can you try again?

It never loaded for me. Just tried again, still getting a TLS error.

It's probably because of the .xyz tld.

Your ISP may be blocking it, because it's rife with spam and other malicious activities.

Nope, I can access other .xyz's.

Another AI HN submission that times out :shrug:

You can do this in pure javascript with the cl100k data. Plenty of impl on github to copy and paste.

Doesn't work for me sadly.

Sorry - the rate limit got hit. Please try again.

It works now. It's a nice little tool. Would be great to have the ability to test the cost of a response as well, and optionally combine the costs of the input/output.

Stuck on Loading

sorry - hit a rate limit. Should be working now.

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