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It strikes me that the anonymity is mostly pointless here. It may be meant to protect the accuser of taking a hit to their own reputation, but the accused can just post the accuser's name and their own side of the story in comments or on another site. So in the long run, there wouldn't be much benefit to posting anonymously.

We had a discussion about this last weekend at She's Geeky. There are some women's lists that pass around information like, say, managers at {big company} who are known harassers and should be avoided. If we stick to backchannels to share this type of information, we aren't helping, perhaps, the very people (new to a company or a scene) who need it most. If we put the information in public, we suffer the blowback on many fronts; and our vulnerability is greater than that of the accused. I tend to come down on the side of greater transparency, but it may be that the most privileged person still "wins" -- except, as someone pointed out earlier, when 5 developers report similar experiences.

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