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"One principle of development is D.R.Y., also known as don’t repeat yourself. Within CSS this principle can speak volumes as it is easy to continually write the same styles over and over again. Don’t. CSS was designed in a way to allow you to cascade styles and use classes so that you easily apply and inherent styles."

This is wonderful, useful advice to beginners and seasoned developers alike. In fact, anyone who works with CSS, regardless of how they write it (raw, sass, less), should be force fed this advice. At the end of the day, CSS is a declarative cascading language, and you must leverage it as such in order to optimize code reuse, performance, maintainability, etc.

Aside from this tutorial being beautifully designed, the notes about semantics and best practices are enough to make me feel good about recommending it to anyone who wants to learn more about HTML & CSS.

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