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Someone asked this 3 days ago (with few responses), so I'm copy/pasting this from then:

* http://www.rackspace.com/apps/email_hosting/ (IMAP/webmail)

* http://www.sendgrid.com (transactional email)

* http://www.snapengage.com (sales/support chats)

* http://www.zendesk.com (basic KB & support tickets)

* http://www.github.com & http://www.repositoryhosting.com (public & private repositories)

* http://www.geckoboard.com (dashboard of financial state of the company)

And I'm a power user of my own SaaS products:

* http://www.w3counter.com (realtime visitor analytics)

* http://www.w3roi.com (ad performance tracking)

* http://www.dialshield.com (automatically calls high fraud risk customers during the checkout process on my ecommerce sites)

Wow, that's a lot of useful apps. Quite a few of them look interesting, Dialshield in particular can be a lifesaver!

Got a link to the one from 3 days ago?

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