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This fantastic speech by Mike Monteiro ( http://vimeo.com/22053820 ) explains how you can avoid ever having to use this site as a last resort to get your grievances resolved.

This is an absolutely brilliant talk. And if you do any freelance or contract work you can learn something from it.

The quote: 'when you hire a lawyer [to handle contracts] you switch from being a design amateur to a design professional' really spoke to me, and it applies equally to programmers.

I was about to watch it but the page starts out with an F Bomb, if I wanted to aspire to that level of communication I could have stayed in the Navy.

You'd rather not hear profanity than learn how someone managed to eradicate basically all of their client-payment problems?

I find use of 'f bomb' less professional than the use of 'fuck'. It smacks of prejudice, plus it's using slang to deride slang.

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