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While I sometimes wish something like this existed, it seems ripe for abuse and/or open to some sort of libel law violation should it get out of control.

I think they should allow for rebuttals; like Amazon does with it's feedback. There are always two sides to a story.

Even with rebuttals, the very name of the website suggests that the employer is in the wrong.

Isn't it already explicitly illegal to post lists of customers who haven't paid in your store? IANAL, but I seem to remember that the case law is already pretty settled on this one.

IANAL, but having been previously affiliated with a company that did this, my understanding as far as general US law goes is that while it's illegal for collectors to name names, the original creditor can name and shame all he wants as long as he doesn't disclose truly private information ("This is the jerk's SSN!") and sticks to facts he can prove if a libel suit arises.

illegal where? Perhaps in some juridictions - which one are you referring to?

The difference will be whether its stated as factual and is factual or stated as opinion..

As I understand it if its factual stated and grossly wrong the poster can be charged civilly

Whether truth is a defence against libel also depends on the jurisdiction.

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