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> ...but disney+ is a money machine and the can easily double the price.

The very same Disney Plus that lost 2.4M subscribers in Q1[0]?

That doesn't seem like "You could easily double the price" sort of performance. They still have plenty of subscribers, but they're not going "up and to the right" on the subscriber graph anymore.

It's hard to make the case that Disney is doing anything but "dropping flops on a public that doesn't want to see them."

[0]: https://techcrunch.com/2023/02/08/disney-q1-2023-earnings/

If you dig into those numbers, they lost 3.8 million subscribers in India due to losing streaming rights for cricket matches.

I don't think that's a reasonable lens to be looking at how Disney's cartoon movies are doing.

I do think it might be worthwhile if you wanted to decide if Disney should have decided to keep the streaming rights, and whether the economics of that decision make sense.

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