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I think it would be useful to play a simulation of cancer treatment that includes realistic odds of survival. It's difficult to grok the idea that you have an X% chance of surviving for Y months by just looking at the numbers, or that Z treatment will affect those odds for some cost in extra misery. Simulating the meaning of those odds by gameplay, watching your avatars live and die, suffering more or less, could give you a better gut feeling for your prospects and adjust your decision making accordingly.

My mom fought cancer and died slowly and badly. My dad, having lived through that, didn't fight it and went quickly. Some people have the opposite experience. It would be good to have a less expensive way to learn these lessons.

"Chemotherapy simulator" seems like a bit depressing game.

Not all games are meant to be a joyful memory. It's just an art form, as versatile as any other.


So does "war simulator".

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