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Filecoin doesn't store data on the blockchain. Filecoin is a blockchain payment network for a monetized IPFS storage network. The two were developed in concert, IPFS was built for filecoin.

IPFS is more popular on it's own than with filecoin I'll point out, off topic.

But you can use blockchains for arbitrary data, there's nothing preventing you from doing it. It's just a bad idea, everyone has to have every copy of everything anyone might want.

Torrents over Tor fall short, Torrents fall short in general I agree. An IPFS type network native to i2p or Tor, internal with no exit, is probably the way to go, unfortunately to my knowledge it does not exist.

Thanks for the background on Filecoin.

> It's just a bad idea, everyone has to have every copy of everything anyone might want.

Do keep in mind that pruned nodes are a thing.

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