You should really offer an xml or similar export as well. If you're confident about your service, users will stay. But asking user to pay to enter data in, without a convenient and reasonable way out is a bit harsh.
Really nice and clean layout though, and good demo. I would love to see and easy way to take a photo for each, perhaps through a mobilapp or just give each recipe(or user) an email adress where they can send a photo and then connect it to a recipe.
What would be the path into this, I mean lots of people have existing trays of torn papers and stuff with this on. A selling point for me would be how to easily get rid of it. Perhaps a crowd-sourced ocr, if I scan it and make it public, anyone can retype it into the interface for me? Others would probably be intrigued to find great stuff within the mess of scans, and hopefully want to type it in for real.
Lets pretend my Mummy/Mum/Mom signs up for this service, a realistic target audience, given an "isomething" from their geek son.
Firstly, I would have to explain to her what "xml" is then she would ask. Cant I print it with a nice little graphic or, does it come in another colour.
To the creator:
Do you cook yourself?
Do you keep pushing little features in or trying new things as you think of little ideas?
Will it work without internet?
Can I take a picture of a complicated part in the recipe?
Can you make it easy for me to post "how I mix bread dough" to youtube?
I love my daughter, I want to send her a recipe. Will you tell me when she reads it.
I have all these cut out recipes, could you do something magic (ocr) and save me typing.
I too think this is a great market, there is clearly space for an innovative well made, well thought out product. You only have to look at ravelry to see how "nongeeks" flock to something they can use to enhance their real world.
Really nice and clean layout though, and good demo. I would love to see and easy way to take a photo for each, perhaps through a mobilapp or just give each recipe(or user) an email adress where they can send a photo and then connect it to a recipe.
What would be the path into this, I mean lots of people have existing trays of torn papers and stuff with this on. A selling point for me would be how to easily get rid of it. Perhaps a crowd-sourced ocr, if I scan it and make it public, anyone can retype it into the interface for me? Others would probably be intrigued to find great stuff within the mess of scans, and hopefully want to type it in for real.