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> That's what being left wing means. Identity politics are liberal, which is a right wing movement.

I get your point, especially as someone on the left myself. That said, it’s more useful in conversations about American politics to understand the political dichotomy is centered on the American political Overton window, not on the center of all extant political philosophies.

There has effectively been no real left wing party with national political presence in the US in the lifetimes of the majority of Americans alive today. Both major parties and nearly all smaller parties in US politics are right of extant center, but many are left of American center.

“Liberals” aren’t even liberals in the US, anyway. “Liberals” in the US are populist globalists. Identity politics is arguably not affiliated with any particular political philosophy or party, but rather is a cynical methodology employed by many parties to create a social device to shift the political median in their direction. For whatever philosophical rigor you’d assign to identity politics, it’s at best an ideology, but lacks the necessary substance to be a complete philosophy.

The left of the American center is mainly held by populist globalists, with orbiting positions which at its most collectivist aligns to environmentalism. The right of the American center is mainly held by populist nationalists, with orbiting positions which at it’s most collectivist aligns to religious fascism. American society is very deeply individualistic, and this is a major factor why populism holds so much sway and why collectivist philosophies exist in the fringes at best.

Hopefully I’ve managed to short-circuit repeating the same comment subthread about semantics of the term “left wing” that happens in every HN thread about American politics.

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