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The AI Tutors being given to students is going to exponentially change education. Now a tireless explainer can be engaged to satisfy innate curiosity. That alone is the foundation for a serious revolution.

To me this is one of the strongest points for the technology in its current state. Not surprisingly, I've found it quite helpful for learning foreign languages in particular. I can get it to spend 10 minutes explaining very very nuanced details between two similar phrases in a way you'd never get from a book and would be hard pressed to get even from a good tutor.

Great usage / application! I'm using it to both understand legal documents and to create a law firm's new client ingestion assistant. Potential clients can describe their legal situation in any language, which gets converted into the language of the attorney, with legal notations of prior cases.

I'd be interested to hear how well it works. In my experience, GPT is good at common legal issues, but pretty bad with nuance or unusual situations. And it can hallucinate precedent.

It requires quite a bit of role framing, as well as having it walk it's own steps in a verifying pass. But for an assistant helping a new/junior attorney it is quite unnervingly helpful.

Yes, been doing the same thing. Even started looking up things that I was too lazy to research with Google, because I knew it would take longer time.

What are the paths to learn new language with it

We need it to actually be correct 100% of the time, though. The current state where a chat interface is unable to say "I don't know" when it actually doesn't know is a huge unsolved problem. Worse, it will perform all the steps of showing its work or writing a proof, and it's nonsense.

This revolution is the wrong one if we can't guarantee correctness, or the guarantee that AI will direct the user to where help is available.

I've been having luck with framing the AI's role to be a "persistent fact checker who reviews work more than once before presenting." Simply adding that to prompts improves the results, as well as "provide step by step instructions a child can follow". Using both of these modifying phrases materially improves the results.

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