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What do you use it for? As a web developer I use Github's Copilot and enjoy its assistance the most in unit tests. I haven't found any use case for ChatGPT yet. I get better & quicker results searching what I need on Google. I'm much quicker searching by keywords as opposed to putting together a full sentence for ChatGPT.

Yeah currently Copilot is way more useful than ChatGPT. That may change with plugins, we'll have to say.

Either way though, Copilot is certainly a product of the 'current AI wave' that is being compared to crypto scams above.

Can you use it without worrying about getting sued because it's using licensed software under the hood to generate your tests without telling you? Wasn't sure how far their license agreements / guarantees had come...

I recently had to generate lots of short text descriptions of numerous different items in a taxonomy. ChatGPT successfully generated 'reasonable first draft' text that saved me a lot of time basic wordsmithing. I made several edits to make additional points or to change emphasis but overall it got me to the 80% stage very quickly.

At home, a carpenter working at my house said that he is using ChatGPT to overcome problems associated with his dyslexia (e.g. when writing descriptions of the services his company offers). I hadn't even considered that use case.

I'm a native English speaker and a strong writer, but I still find it useful to have my copy reviewed by GPT4 to see if there's room for improvement. It sometimes suggests additions that I should make.

I also find it useful for pasting code and asking, "Do you have any ideas for improvements?"

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