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Im more thinking a decade out.

This is one thing I despise about the American POlitical System - they are literally only thinking 1 year out, because they only care about elections and bribes and insider trading.

China has a literal 100 year plan - and they are working to achieve it.

I have listened to every single POTUS SoTU speach for the last 30 years. I have heard the same promises from every single one...

What should be done is to take all the SoTU transcripts over the years and find the same, unanswered empy promises and determine who said them, and which companies lobbied to stop the promises through campaign donations (bribes).

Serious, in 48 years, I have seen corruption expand, not diminish - it just gets more sophisticated (and insidious) -- just look at Pelosi's finances to see, and anyone who denies its is an idiot. She makes secret trades with the information that she gets in congress through her son.

Pelosi's trades are her broker cycling her accounts for fees. She actually lost money on the ones people were complaining about.

China definitely does not have 100 year plans, and you don't understand the point of planning if you think any of them can be valid more than a few years out.

They do not have a 100 year plan because you can't have one of those. They can't exist. It doesn't matter if they think they have one.

China has a personalist government centered around Xi, so if he dies there go his plans.

Here's ours: https://slate.com/human-interest/2015/11/en-lan-2000-is-a-se...

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