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If you're interested, this is the "absolute minimum" React project I was able to create, using esbuild (see `dev.mjs`) and some .html files. [0] It's a sub-package in a larger workspace, so there is some complexity inherited from the monorepo in terms of `tsconfig.json` and dependency management, but you can ignore that; the esbuild part was pleasantly simple to implement, and it pretty much "just works," such that each file in `www` is an entrypoint with one corresponding script from `pages/` that calls `createRoot(container).render(<App />)`.

Note that's also a "sandbox" for development purposes. If I were creating a new production app today, I would probably use Vite, which uses esbuild under the hood anyway. It's super easy to get started [1] with not only React, but also Lit or Vue or any other number of pre-configured templates, and it takes care of all the drudgery of bundling and tests for you so that you can get straight to work.

[0] https://github.com/splitgraph/madatdata/tree/main/packages/t...

[1] https://vitejs.dev/guide/#trying-vite-online

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