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Meta slams telco fee proposal, says ISPs should pay their own network costs (arstechnica.com)
5 points by mfiguiere on March 23, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

This is an intriguing debate on the allocation of network costs between ISPs and Big Tech companies. It's important to consider the investments made by both parties in infrastructure and content delivery networks. Meta's point about their investments driving demand for Internet access is valid, as they create the content that attracts users in the first place. On the other hand, ISPs are responsible for providing the physical infrastructure that enables access to these platforms. It would be interesting to explore a more collaborative approach between ISPs and Big Tech companies to share network-building costs while taking into account their respective contributions to the digital ecosystem. Perhaps a balanced and transparent model could be developed that considers the symbiotic relationship between these entities.

It's a bit of a chicken and egg argument. Although, personally, I think big tech needs the network much more than the network needs big tech. The telecom industry of old proves that.

Damn it. I hate it when I have to agree with Facebook.

Yeah, the Telco proposal is like if we taxed auto manufacturers to build private roads. There might be some permutation of it that makes sense, but the current polemic is indefensible and reprises that same "anti-net neutrality" position that everyone hates listening to.

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