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AGI is still just an algorithm and there is no reason why it would „want“ anything at all. Unlike perhaps GPT-* which at least might pretend to want something because is trained on text based on human needs.

AGI is a conscious intelligent alien. It will want things the same way we want things. Different things, certainly, but also some common ground is likely too.

The need for resources is expected to be universal for life.

For us the body and the parts of the brain for needs are there first - and the modern brain is in service to that. An AI is just the modern brain. Why would it need anything?

It’s an intelligent alien, probably; but let’s not pretend the hard problem of consciousness if solved.

The hard problem of consciousness is only hard when you look at it running on meat hardware. In a computer system we'll just go "that's the simulation it's executing currently" and admit avoid saying differences in consciousness exist.

What these guys are talking about is:

“intelligent alien might decide to kill us so we must kill them first”

vs “can you please cut out that clinical paranoia”

except we have so many companies is trying to create them.

Sure right now it doesn't want anything. We could still give it the benefit of the doubt to feed the training data with examples of how to treat something that you believe to be inferior. Then it might test us the same way later.

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