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Isn't driving us insane a way of destroying us?

I think we need an EPA equivalent for the Internet or at least Social Media. People should not be able to release toxic substances directly into the Web.

Why not? EPA exists because you can't "escape" the environment. But the web? If social media is full of crap, then don't visit it - that's what I do.

Let's be real: in 2023 a significant portion of our lives is online, and that's not going to go away.

I can't just not have a smartphone. My kid's baseball team only publishes schedules on FB. Local bakeries only sell their stuff, fancy cakes, via Insta. I have multiple work and personal emails and some of them get BLASTED with spam cuz of one purchase I made for replacement springs like ~5 years ago.

Virtually all of my banking and stocks are online. They'll still send me paper sometimes but there is no way to do money transfers or basic life activities like paying my bills without using their app.

Even if I don't look at it, my wife does. My kids do. They spread the memes, and potentially invite all sorts of shady malware into my network. Ditto for my coworkers, my employees, my bosses.

Just "don't visit it" isn't an option if 95% of the population does.

Maybe the people growing up with all this will do a better job in the future. We still haven't even solved the health issues caused by Junk Food - why should Junk Social Media be any different.

This is beyond social media.

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