new from Samsung. it's a black box perfectly square just to make Jobs turn over in his grave. there are no lenses, but it's the most incredible camera you've ever seen. it has a microphone where you tell it the image you want...
"I want to see a picture with me at the Grand Canyon with nobody else in the shot at sunset after storm has just passed with a rainbow in the background"
waits a few seconds, boom. post to social, get lots of envious comments about my cool vacation.
I can't decide if in the future we will be bloblike sloths in chairs like in Wall-E, or maybe it will be like The Matrix but you are plugged into a peleton bike.
where did you get the peleton reference from The Matrix? even the machines realized that was wasted. you spend your entire life cycle in a sensory deprivation tank with the computer telling you how much of a good time you are having. wasting energy on actually moving muscles is absurd! that's not thinking like a machine
I figured the peloton would be the method of entry for the machine. Start off with the rich people doing it for working out to make it seem sexy and cool (done), get everyone else on it (in progress), get your boss to buy pelotons for remote zoom calls (probably has happened), start buying energy from peleton users pedaling (will be pitched soon), offer drug to allow sleeping while pedaling and making energy, change formulation to prevent consciousness entirely while pedaling and remain pedaling until your knees explode and you are replaced on the bike by the machines with another drugged up biological generator.
"I want to see a picture with me at the Grand Canyon with nobody else in the shot at sunset after storm has just passed with a rainbow in the background"
waits a few seconds, boom. post to social, get lots of envious comments about my cool vacation.