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Reminds me of https://drewdevault.com/2014/10/10/The-profitability-of-onli...

The only reason imgur survived is because they ruined their UX in search of monetization.

"I have started a private service called sr.ht, which I aim to use to fix the problem by only letting my friends and I use it. "

Had a little chuckle at the end.

I recently visited Imgur after a few years away. My god has that site fallen. Doing anything takes two or three times as many clicks, ads are everywhere, and 75% of the posts are left-leaning versions of your uncle's shitty political Facebook posts. "Upvote THIS if you think Trump should be arrested!"

> "Upvote THIS if you think Trump should be arrested!"

Oh boy, wouldn't that be a paradise? A 21st century version of ostracism: if enough people upvote something on social media, they can get you arrested.

It would be deeply ironic if the man who ran on a campaign of "lock her up" and had huge crowds chanting this at his rallies got locked up.

But how much longer though?

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