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"If a Pixar employee applies to Intel without being recruited by Intel, contact Pat Gelsinger and explain to him a Pixar employee (provide the candidates name) has applied to Intel without being recruited and he will contact the CEO of Pixar for approval to hire"


I'm surprised that people in these threads say "I'm not at all surprised by this behavior" - It's a sad state of affairs when we, as employees, wholly expect this behavior between the few leading companies in this area.

We have to work among the group of people for which this behavior is standard procedure. We are reminded daily of how insane, sociopathic, and child-like middle managers can be and that it only gets worse (far worse) the further up the chain. If I were working at a place where someone didn't expect this behavior I would think that person was very inexperienced. If I found a company where management didn't behave like this, maybe because it is relatively young, I would expect them to start misbehaving within a few years as the sociopaths start working their way into the corporate structure.

I'm sorry, I just have a problem with this mentality.

Things are fucked up, so we should expect it to continue being fucked up, and now that it is expected, we shall deem it acceptable...

> It's a sad state of affairs when we, as employees, wholly expect this behavior...

Just because something is expected doesn't mean that it is acceptable. On the contrary, if someone fucks up, like they always do, and you EXPECT it, you can act on it. In this case, thousands of people are about to have a payday because some evil execs who probably don't even know how email works fucked up. Someone, somewhere expected it, got the evidence nailed down, and went after them. After this settles, there's going to be lots of people (and many lawyers) expecting this behavior and actively looking for it.


Well, this isn't an attack against you personally, or a tit-for-tat sort of comment, but...

> We have to work among the group of people for which this behavior is standard procedure.

You ARE saying that this is acceptable, since "we have to" work among them, and I just don't agree :)

Well, the alternative is homelessness and early death.

Surely there are other alternatives than that... someone working for one of these tech giants has a lot of options other than working for another tech giant. Like starting her own company.

I believe comments like this is why I'm constantly finding disagreement with what you say. You have a very hard slant. Personally, I've found, and seen others having, a wide array of alternatives available to them.

If "we" don't show that this behavior is wrong, through our actions, it will continue...

Rank and file workers work among middle managers who would see no problem with illegal collusion with other companies, but they themselves lack the power to actually organize something like this. The general population is pretty much on par with middle managers culture wise, and would drive the average worker into the ground so their couple shares of GOOG stock can go up 1%. So it doesn't rise to something that would make a person quit, and since the general population are ok with and identify with middle management practices, its unlikely the situation would be better elsewhere.

As far my views on alternatives there is: unemployment: bankruptcy, couch surfing or living in a shelter self funded startup: doesn't pay and likely to fail. without external factors like connections or rich uncle, probably won't get off the ground before bankruptcy. small team of equal partners: doesn't pay, requires capital to pay in, "equal" partners will probably try to push each other out. incubator: pays very bad, greeks bearing gifts, silly patronizing, reality tv-like environment. angel investor: can't find these unless you're famous, have well-connected family, or already successful. small company/startup: founders will shit all over your day. will take everything personally (including payday) and want you to conform to their values. Don't like golf? Not a drinker?, gtfo. pay is shit. big evil company: Half a dozen middle managers are trying to figure out how screwing you improves their situation. ceo is probably doing bad things. pay is good.

So, yeah, if you take the financial aspect out of work, there are a wide array of alternatives.

Yeah. These corporations dealing with employees sound more like pimps dealing with their "ho"s.

yes that goes well beyond non poaching

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