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No, as an actual IT guy myself, our job is to support and improve business technical operations. Most of us want _less_ work. If we wanted to be intermediaries, we'd be middle managers.

I don't know how much time you've spent supporting spreadsheet users, but I work with them daily and I see first-hand the amount of energy being wasted. Stuff that takes them all day, they could do in a single SQL query. Probably wouldn't take them more than a day to learn how.

It's not about democracy, it's about doing things in a sensible way. I'd be happy if they used another "democratic" tool like Microsoft PowerBI and a fully-managed database.

You're just gatekeeping. You have tautologically defined "sensible" to be the same as your personal preferences.

Eh, maybe. I'll hazard that my preferences for business technical operations are more informed than those of my users. I seek only to help them.

Side note, I'm quite surprised that somebody in this form is so staunchly in favor of spreadsheets.

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