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For one, there's no CSV standard and often csv based data exchange methods have lurking (and/or obvious) correctness problems. Maybe gsheets and sqlite are lucky there, maybe not.

This project is also well documented including the gsheets side (which is quite non-obvious).

> Maybe gsheets and sqlite are lucky there, maybe not

Seems weird to to pooh-pooh the idea without any reason to think it isn't good. Also, it's not really a question of luck, is it? It's not that mysterious how to validate an integration like this.

>>"(which is quite non-obvious)."

ELI5 what this means, please? (unpack this for the ignorant among us, plz)

I mean the gsheets api access setup is convoluted and here it's well documented. It has about two dozen steps.

> For one, there's no CSV standard

This is false: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4180

Well yes, there are actually many many CSV standards, my mistake for imprecise language. What I meant to say that there's no single CSV format that programs agree on. Starting with Excel...

Apparently it's quite common in Gsheet land to base your CSV export around things like this copypasta javascript code and customize as needed (follow forks, in parent direction too, for more of the story) https://gist.github.com/mrkrndvs/a2c8ff518b16e9188338cb809e0...

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