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If you're just looking for docker, the official docker registry[0] is quite literally just a docker container. The only problem is that authentication is very much geared around being totally private (as in, they recommend you just throw nginx in front of it). Couldn't find much on a "read-only" version of that.

GitLab is an overbloated mess that you can't really justify unless you have organization-style funding/tax-writeoffs for the server (at which point it's easily the best choice). It expects CI/CD to exist for all projects, even though it can run without it, you'll be missing quite a number of features (the main example is that GitLab demands release builds to be generated through CI unless you want to manipulate the API with curl on your dev machine, vis-a-vis uploading things). It needs a somewhat beefy server unless you go out of your way to downtune the entire thing (which requires quite a bit of configuration), a 5$ VPS will not suffice.

Gitea mostly rocks and in my experience runs on even that 5$ VPS, but it does not ship with any CI/CD by design. They do have a list of external services[1] that can provide CI that can integrate with their software, so you can have CI/CD. Personally I'd recommend Gitea if you're looking to selfhost.

[0]: https://docs.docker.com/registry/

[1]: https://gitea.com/gitea/awesome-gitea#user-content-devops

> Gitea mostly rocks and in my experience runs on even that 5$ VPS, but it does not ship with any CI/CD by design. They do have a list of external services[1] that can provide CI that can integrate with their software, so you can have CI/CD. Personally I'd recommend Gitea if you're looking to selfhost.

Currently using Gitea + Sonatype Nexus + Drone CI which has worked nicely for my own needs, after previously running self-hosted GitLab for a few years, but finding the updates to be a bit problematic: https://blog.kronis.dev/articles/goodbye-gitlab-hello-gitea-...

That said, Woodpecker might be a more open CI offering, licensing wise and works similarly to Drone.

But personally I wouldn't judge others for picking whatever else they are familiar with and what works for them, even if that choice would be Jenkins or something like that.

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