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Regardless of programming language, every substantial software development needs to make serious architectural choices, otherwise things will become messy. I learned this the hard in my first programming job out of university. We were a C/C++ shop doing distributed software and one question to decide right upfront is: shared memory vs message passing. Both have advantages and disadvantages, but don't mix well. We started out with message passing, but over time somebody added POSIX shared memory as a performance hack (which two processes happen to run on the same machine). Over time, we added a second, non-POSIX shared memory layer for performance reasons under Windows. It was an unmaintainable mess. The core problem was that the CTO didn't understand distributed programming well enough to push back against those performance hacks. "How do you handle software architectural leadership?" used to be one of my replies to the inevitable "have you got questions for us?" in job interviews, when I was being interviewed. Now that I am making architectural decisions myself, I put a lot of efforts into this, for example building suitable linters that flag violations in code reviews.

If your team fights over cats vs scalaz or over Scala-as-OO vs Scala-as-FP then that's a sign that the technical / architectural leadership is weak. Choices like pure-OO vs pure-FP vs mixing them require care, and are hard to change in-flight. If you have strong modularisation, you can successfully use different paradigms in different modules, but strong modularisation needs care and architectural discipline, too. Part of the problem is that the style of programming that libraries like cats require (monads, functors, applicative, type-classes, HKTs) is not yet widely understood. This approach to programming needs its 'map/reduce moment' and become part of the mainstream introduction-to-programming curriculum. We'll get there, maybe in about a decade.

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