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Professional Photographer's Association as out of touch as MPAA and RIAA (stuckincustoms.com)
61 points by yangez on Jan 27, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

PPA, MPAA, and RIAA are the modern equivalent of guilds. They were once useful for protecting the little guy, then evolved into a protection racket.

I was just at a PPA conference (Imaging USA in New Orleans), and every session started with a PPA rep saying "No photography. All slides are protected by copyright." I don't even know where to begin.

You might steal their 1024x768 representation of a photograph with some of the worst color accuracy possible (because it's a projector) while still looking acceptable! And, with some up-scaling, might even be useful as a laptop's wallpaper. Well, as long as you can get rid of the distortions caused by your angle (maybe you used a tilt-shift lens?), and all the imperfections from the projection surface, fix all the color issues that came from the poor representation, and somehow explain why you needed a tripod in the back of the room. Oh noes!

I jest, but they probably put that their as a CYA :/. Also, technically, all of their slides and images are protected by copyright. They did, after all, create them.

[edit: clarifying, improving grammar]

Holy Over-sized Page Header, Batman! 850px... that is ridiculous.

Agreed. I'm a huge fan of his work, but every time I visit his site I cringe at that header. Maybe he has a wall-sized monitor and he doesn't notice the problem.

I've always been a fan of stuckincustoms. His collection of HDR photography is incredible. I recommend everyone to check it out.

"He said, she said."

Look, some people just have different agendas than you do. It doesn't mean they're out of touch--just out of touch with your own agenda, the one you don't think you have, but do.

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