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Oh, this is really interesting, I didn't know that Amex had a page like this! This is useful, maybe I can point my bank toward it and ask them to make a similar page.

As harvey9 says in a sibling comment, "If they publish an outbound number then scammers will spoof it.", so perhaps publishing a phone number isn't useful - but they should actually state that on their web site, as well as providing a protocol that allows the bank/agency/company/utility to authenticate itself to you.

> "Mentions Legales" or "Imprint" in France and Germany (a website needs to have a page who they are actually, with an address and everyhing).

I like this concept - let's extend it to include an authentication protocol, as above.

> As harvey9 says in a sibling comment, "If they publish an outbound number then scammers will spoof it.", so perhaps publishing a phone number isn't useful

Unless telecom operators are forced to take actions to prevent spoofing.

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