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Just saw something today where the wife of TotalBiscuit, who died of cancer several years ago, is contemplating deleting all of his Youtube videos[1] to prevent people from using A.I. to make him say terrible things.

Did give me a bit of a pause about putting stuff out there. Although I think I'd still rather have my data be used for training A.I. than not (and I probably am already in the training data anyway, I believe I saw that one of the datasets it's been trained on was Hacker News comments).

[1]: https://kotaku.com/totalbiscuit-john-bain-youtube-delete-vid...

Given that the "AI" community apparently couldn't care less about treating intellectual property rights with wanton abandon, I can't say such a response would be unwarranted.

Dire circumstances call for drastic measures, as they say.

Quite a sad, but completely understandable reaction. The saddest part is probably that it's already too late to prevent people from generating TB deepfakes and other content. Cloning a voice takes half an hour if clips now, any downloaded live stream should be enough already.

It's sad to see AI on a path to destroy years of collected internet content. I expect the internet archive to receive loads of takedown requests in the coming months and years because of this.

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