From my experience these things are an after thought, the people writing this stuff are disconnected from the people making the actual decisions and I guess the typical audience that reads it. The people who do the marketing, HR, or "run socials" tend to be from the demographic that over values safe corporate speak. CEOs occasionally write these but usually it's some pre-written stuff that gets signed off on.
We all review these like a ton of thought went into some blog post, and maybe it should, but often it's just a lower end employee who is asked to translate things into an announcement when they played zero role in the hiring/firing part.
Considering how much these posts always bother people [1] maybe higher ups should care more about the blog posts too.
[1] At least a few in every HN thread, whether most people actually care/read it might be different.
> The people who do the marketing, HR, or "run socials" tend to be from the demographic that over values safe corporate speak
I don't think their behavior comes from demographics, but from the incentive structure in these positions.
Press releases are more often defensive than offensive, so the staff who write these face far more risk than reward. This incentivizes them to avert risk and play safe.
That's a good point. Even if the marketing/copywriters dream of their own "Great American novel" or are legitimately talented communicators, in reality it's a pay checks that 100% values safety and checking boxes over ability.
We all review these like a ton of thought went into some blog post, and maybe it should, but often it's just a lower end employee who is asked to translate things into an announcement when they played zero role in the hiring/firing part.
Considering how much these posts always bother people [1] maybe higher ups should care more about the blog posts too.
[1] At least a few in every HN thread, whether most people actually care/read it might be different.