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I want to stress that for anyone looking to use Neovim as an IDE (lite), all you need is something that speaks the Language Server Protocol (LSP). You don't really need to download all these configuration frameworks.

- Neovim's native LSP (with the neovim-lspconfig plugin) handles completions, go-to-definition, linting, formatting and refactoring. (Here's my init.vim config for the LSP https://gist.github.com/bokwoon95/d9420fce4836f6b518b02bd60a...).

- Instead of trying to get an autcompletion plugin to work, just use vim's native omnicompletion <C-x><C-o>.

- Instead of a plugin manager, use Vim8 native packages (https://vi.stackexchange.com/a/9523). I use a custom shell script for updating plugins via git (https://gist.github.com/bokwoon95/172ecc04039afdbe9425678946...)

- I use Fern.vim for a file explorer.

- I use Telescope.nvim for fuzzy jump-to-file.

- Dynamic statusline is just a few lines of config (https://gist.github.com/bokwoon95/d9420fce4836f6b518b02bd60a...), no statusline plugin needed.

- No debugger support, I'll use a CLI debugger or an IDE if I need one.

I've been using this setup for very a long time, and I barely touch my init.vim anymore. Here's a recent thread from the neovim subreddit where the OP talks about how much effort it takes to properly setup a configuration framework https://www.reddit.com/r/neovim/comments/11p6iiu/i_love_vim_...:

> I want to fix my problems and consolidate my environments BUT setting it up is too painful and I don't another hobby as a job (I already have servers and a 3d printer lol). I've tried multiple times this week to setup either pure neovim, lunarvim, nvChad, astrovim and LazyVim starter and there's always something that I can't find how to change even after searching online and not even taking into account that setting it up takes like a day for each. I don't really want to dedicate a whole month to reading docs, debugging and discovering plugins to fix issues that i'm hitting and I don't wan to blindly learn some commands to then throw them away because that distro didn't work out.

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