This is a great example of the thing that happens a lot: There's the hobby or primary activity (in this case: writing on nice paper) -- and then the all-consuming DIY-hacker-ethos activity of needing to build or modify everything associated with the activity.
I'm glad YOU are happy, and I absolutely understand that you aren't doing this, but a super common thing is that someone mentions a hobby -- pens and notebooks; home espresso; motorcycles -- and is then deluged with instructions about how they should do a bunch of stuff that's really part of the second order hobby (the DIY stuff) and not about the main activity.
I just want to make coffee, or ride my motorcycle, or have good pen and paper options. I don't need to
- Hack a chinese grinder instead of buying a turnkey device; or
- Modify a bunch of stuff on my motorcycle when it works just fine as it is; or
- Make my own notebooks
But if you're happy doing these things, bully for you!
I'm glad YOU are happy, and I absolutely understand that you aren't doing this, but a super common thing is that someone mentions a hobby -- pens and notebooks; home espresso; motorcycles -- and is then deluged with instructions about how they should do a bunch of stuff that's really part of the second order hobby (the DIY stuff) and not about the main activity.
I just want to make coffee, or ride my motorcycle, or have good pen and paper options. I don't need to
- Hack a chinese grinder instead of buying a turnkey device; or - Modify a bunch of stuff on my motorcycle when it works just fine as it is; or - Make my own notebooks
But if you're happy doing these things, bully for you!