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although, there is a VOD channel on YT that might be better.

why does it say video unavailable?

Hmm. I'm not sure. Presumably this will be updated soon: https://www.youtube.com/@geohotarchive/videos

I'm pretty sure he only makes his past twitch streams available to subscribers. It's weird they are available on Youtube, maybe he doesn't know that's something he can change.

I don't think he runs the YouTube channel - it's managed by some of his fans. But like what's he gonna do about it? Send them a takedown notice?

Not sure about his more recent content but he used to have a policy that the VODs could be uploaded in full as long as they were uncut and not modified. If you go watch some older VODs he says so at the beginning.

This is such a refreshing and neat way to use Twitch.

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