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"Yayy women can finally be away from darned prison that we call home for 12 hours a day and even at night to do some bullshit job to help some idiot get a little richer yasss let's celebrate wohoo"

I take back my other comment. I don't eagerly await any responses from you. Your comments are childish.

Get off HN and go enjoy your 20s. If by chance you are older than that, grow up.

No one is forcing anyone to work 12 hour days. It's about allowing it should a woman choose to accept the position.

I get your angle now. Trad nonsense.

Hopefully he isn't working in India on a 13 hour schedule lest he shall be able to enjoy his 20s. Just pay the worker a fair wage and they won't be pressured or expected to work these long shifts (which is what we all know is REALLY going on.) Putting pressure on The Corporation is asking too much, right?

Yes, corporations should pay a fair wage. This is about gender parity in government policy.

I will entertain arguments that no one should be allowed to work 12 hours, or that both men and women can. If you look at the other comment he made, you'll see he's arguing for neither of those.

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