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Small warning: 0 temperature still isn't deterministic with openAI endpoints. So, if you are relying on this as an absolute, it'll definitely fail at some point (this bit me at one point recently). If you just like it because it's "mostly deterministic" so it feels more well behaved, then it's fine.

From here: https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/completion

> Setting temperature to 0 will make the outputs mostly deterministic, but a small amount of variability may remain.

Yea definitely, I've noticed that a zero temperature isn't perfectly deterministic, but the results seem reasonably consistent.

I will honestly say that there have been a couple of wtf file generations, where even with a temperature of 0, GPT-3 created something I did not expect. I'd like to enable engineers to run a retry on specific files right from GitHub, like making comments in the PR itself.

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